What is quick changeover?
>> Quick changeover is the amount of time taken to change a piece of equipment from producing the last good piece of a production lot to the first good piece of the next production lot.
SMED (Single Multiple Exchange of Dies) is a system focused on dramatically reducing the time it takes to perform changeover or setup as they're ...
80% workplace organization and planning
10% equipment
5% tool
5% product design
Benefits of quick changeover:
1. Reduce lead-time.
2. Improves on time delivery.
3. Reduces inventory.
Economic Order Quantity
"This concept (EOQ) conceals an enormous blind spot : the unspoken assumption that drastic reductions in setup times are impossible" - Dr.Shigeo Shingo -
Eight steps to quick changeover:
1. Documenting reality.
2. Separating between internal and external activities.
3. Shifting the internal activities to external activities.
4. Streamining all external tasks.
5. Identifying / locate parallel tasks.
6. Sreamining internal tasks.
7. Practicing the new method / improved the setup.
8. Documenting the new standard.
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