Inventory described as any material or work on hand other than what is needed right now to satisfy customer demand. Example: work in process, finished products, supplies, documentation, unread email.
Type of inventory:
a. Holding costs.
b. Obsolescence.
c. Price erotion.
d. Opportunity costs.
e. False sense of security.
Causes inventory:
a. Mistake
b. Reward based on output only.
c. Building to forecast.
Lean tools to prevent inventory:
a. Single minuted exchanges of dies.
b. One piece flow.
c. Downstream pull system.
35% high dreamer . 35% achievement . 10% journalism . 10% photography . 7% adventurer . 3% culinary :)
Aku layaknya bunga kertas warna-warni yang berada di dalam botol kaca itu. Tetapi, aku tetap cantik dan bersinar (´▽`ʃƪ)
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015
Cinta Positif, Keren !!!
Masyaallah... Libur kali ini bermanfaat banget! Meskipun cuma diam diri, tapi alhamdulillaah masih bisa belajar! Nah, pagi ini aku mau share music video yang keren banget!! Check it out ;)
[Cinta Positif Part 1] Halaqah Cinta
[Cinta Positif Part 2] Untukmu Calon Imamku
[Cinta Positif Part 2] Mencintai Kehilangan
[Cinta Positif Part 1] Halaqah Cinta
[Cinta Positif Part 2] Untukmu Calon Imamku
[Cinta Positif Part 2] Mencintai Kehilangan
Kamis, 25 Juni 2015
Here, I'll describe about 7 Deadly Wastes.. Check this out!!
Defects described as the work that is less than the level the customer has requested.
Example: warranty costs, lost capacity, rework costs, field service repairs, lost customers.
Causes defects:
a. Lack of in-process checks.
b. Low quality materials.
Tools to resolve:
a. "Stop the line" principle.
b. 5 ways analysis.
GEMBA Academy (2)
There are 8 steps to standing in the circle:
1. Find a spot to observe the process.
2. Stand and observe for 30 minutes.
3. Write down 30 small problems.
4. Review findings with team members.
5. Identify the tyoe of waste or loss for each.
6. Have a "5 way" dialogue.
7. Resolve at least one issue in the next 30 minutes.
8. Share findings as future improvement opportunities.
There are 8 steps to standing in the circle:
1. Find a spot to observe the process.
2. Stand and observe for 30 minutes.
3. Write down 30 small problems.
4. Review findings with team members.
5. Identify the tyoe of waste or loss for each.
6. Have a "5 way" dialogue.
7. Resolve at least one issue in the next 30 minutes.
8. Share findings as future improvement opportunities.
GEMBA Academy (1)
Di factory, ada orientasi dalam dunia kerja, seperti pelatihan / skill yang harus dimiliki dan termasuk hal-hal apa saja yang harus dilakukan. So, I want to share about "GEMBA Academy" here...
1. Defects.
2. Inventory.
3. Overprocessing.
4. Waiting.
5. Motion.
6. Transportation.
7. Overproduction.
1. Defects.
2. Inventory.
3. Overprocessing.
4. Waiting.
5. Motion.
6. Transportation.
7. Overproduction.
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