
Aku layaknya bunga kertas warna-warni yang berada di dalam botol kaca itu. Tetapi, aku tetap cantik dan bersinar (´▽`ʃƪ)

Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

My English Course Family

From left above :
Bagas . Zunus . Kasno . Santi . Novika . Dimas . Nisa . Me . Sari . Tri . Wisnu . Fayla . Puji

Very late post, hahaha.. Yeay, this's my english course family. On August - September 2014, I joined English language training in BLKPP DIY. I learned a lot from professional theachers. They're Mr.Agung and Ms.Mita. Here, I had a lot of valuable experiences and some kindly friends. I felt very happy :)

Choose the best one :)

I'm very thankful to Allah SWT. because He give me chances. This week, I've two chances that should I choose the best one. I have to focused on a chance that take me to my future. I should to think well to decide the best for me. I hope that my choice is good for me. Yaa Rabb, help me to choose the best one. It's very important because it could change my life. Bismillaah..

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

2015 :)

Hai 2015. Hari ke-5 di tahun baru.
Siapkan semangat baru untuk hari yg baru!
Never give up, keep spirit, keep istiqamah & keep smile :)