35% high dreamer . 35% achievement . 10% journalism . 10% photography . 7% adventurer . 3% culinary :)
Aku layaknya bunga kertas warna-warni yang berada di dalam botol kaca itu. Tetapi, aku tetap cantik dan bersinar (´▽`ʃƪ)
Senin, 27 Oktober 2014
Who are you?
Hi, especially to my visitor from Mountain View, California. May I know yourself? Maybe we can be friends? We have many friends is so fun, don't we? Especially cross-country friends. I hope you read and respond to this. Thank you very much :)
Hi Blog !
Hay my blog visitors? How are you today?
Yeaah, about one week ago I was preparing my exam for national civil servant. So, I didn't have time for anything else. I was quite satisfied with the results I get. I hope to qualify to the next exam and accepted as a civil servant in the government agency I want :) aamiin...
Yeaah, about one week ago I was preparing my exam for national civil servant. So, I didn't have time for anything else. I was quite satisfied with the results I get. I hope to qualify to the next exam and accepted as a civil servant in the government agency I want :) aamiin...
Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014
Beautiful Place (3)
Beautiful place part 3 :)
11. Heart Sea Arch - Portugal
12. Hillier Lake - Australia
13. Homebush Bay - Australia
14. Iguazu Waterfalls - Brazillia
15. Jacarandas Walk - South Africa
Beautiful Place (2)
Yeah, here is the beautiful place part 2 :)
6. Glacee Pool - Dominica
7. Great Blue Hole - Belize
8. Green Canyon - Turkey
9. Hamilton Pool - U.S.A.
10. Heart Island - Croatia
Beautiful Place (1)
Hei, last night I found some lovely place in the world! I hope I can go there with my family, aamiin... Here I just to share about them. Check it out ;)
1. Antelope Canyon - Colorado
2. Berryessa Glory Hole - California
3. Blue Hole - Dweja Bay Gozo Malta
4. Blue Lagoon - Equador
5. Fairy Pool - Scotland
Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014
Hey you..
Hello, all my blog visitors..
I'm very grateful to my blog visitor comes from Mountain View, California. Thank you for visiting my blog. Does my blog give you some information, doesn't it? Maybe you didn't understand about what I wrote, because I wrote in Indonesian. If you don't understand, you can ask or give me some question about that :) thank you very much for all my blog visitors...
I'm very grateful to my blog visitor comes from Mountain View, California. Thank you for visiting my blog. Does my blog give you some information, doesn't it? Maybe you didn't understand about what I wrote, because I wrote in Indonesian. If you don't understand, you can ask or give me some question about that :) thank you very much for all my blog visitors...
My facebook status :)
Yeah, here is my facebook status that I wrote in English. I just try to practice everyday...
October 4th : Keep spirit for your future. Prepare yourself to face the war tomorrow! :)
October 3rd : Take advantage of something that you have. So, you'll find something new that you have not known.
September 30th : If you have sophisticated gadget, use to learn something.
September 26th : We are always far away. But, faith will bring us together.
October 4th : Keep spirit for your future. Prepare yourself to face the war tomorrow! :)
October 3rd : Take advantage of something that you have. So, you'll find something new that you have not known.
September 30th : If you have sophisticated gadget, use to learn something.
September 26th : We are always far away. But, faith will bring us together.
Antara kejar waktu dan memanfaatkan kesempatan..
Alhamdulillah, kemarin di akhir September sempat kejar waktu cari-cari kerja di 16th CAREER DAYS UGM 2014. Ya, try to apply at some companies that I'm interested. Latar belakang pendidikan bukan menjadi penghalang bagiku. Hal yang paling penting adalah kita punya kemauan dan keinginan untuk selalu lebih maju. Memberanikan diri untuk apply pekerjaan yang bukan bidangnya membuatku lebih menantang untuk mencoba hal-hal baru. Semangat tinggi harus selalu ada ya guys! Jangan pernah menyerah dan putus asa. I hope, Allah SWT. show me the best way for my future, soon. Bismillah...
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